2024-2025 Elected Officials
President: Dave Molling
Vice President: Matt Rink
Secretary: Becky Dehli
Treasurer: Matt Nelson
At Large Member: Leanne Meeter
At Large Member: Annie Jepson
At Large Member: Bryan Helgeson
At Large Member: Mitch Gault
At Large Member: Denise Downing
Program Support Requests
Requests for donations must be coordinated through the Activities Director's office. Please submit all requests to the Holmen Booster Club Secretary at holmenboosterclub@gmail.com
Requests greater than $500 must be approved by the Executive Committee and then presented to the general membership for approval at the meeting following the initial request.
Any Holmen area organization, co-curricular activity or athletic programs that requests and receives a financial donation from The Booster Club will be expected to volunteer workers at a future Booster Club fundraising event.